001    package log.swing;
003    import log.*;
005    import util.swing.*;
007    import java.util.*;
009    /**
010     * TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to display {@link LogEntry LogEntries}.
011     *
012     * <p>LogEntries will be displayed using two columns. The first column will have the heading "Date"
013     * and will show the LogEntry's {@link LogEntry#getLogDate log date}. The second column will show the return
014     * of the LogEntry's {@link Object#toString} method under the heading "Description". Both columns
015     * are not editable.</p>
016     *
017     * @author Steffen Zschaler
018     * @version 2.0 14/07/1999
019     * @since v2.0
020     */
021    public class DefaultLogEntryTED extends AbstractTableEntryDescriptor {
023        /**
024         * There are two columns.
025         */
026        public int getColumnCount() {
027            return 2;
028        }
030        /**
031         * The column name of the first column is "Date", that of the second column is
032         * "Description".
033         */
034        public String getColumnName(int nIdx) {
035            String[] asNames = {
036                    "Date", "Description"};
038            return asNames[nIdx];
039        }
041        /**
042         * The column class of the first column is <code>Date.class</code>, that of the second column is
043         * <code>String.class</code>.
044         */
045        public Class getColumnClass(int nIdx) {
046            Class[] acClasses = {
047                    Date.class, String.class};
049            return acClasses[nIdx];
050        }
052        /**
053         * The object is assumed to be a {@link LogEntry}; the value of the first column is the
054         * {@link LogEntry#getLogDate log date} that of the second column is the result of the object's
055         * {@link Object#toString} method.
056         */
057        public Object getValueAt(Object oData, int nIdx) {
058            switch (nIdx) {
059                case 0:
060                    return ((LogEntry)oData).getLogDate();
061                default:
062                    return oData.toString();
063            }
064        }
065    }