001    package log.swing;
003    import log.*;
004    import util.swing.*;
006    import java.util.*;
008    import java.text.*;
010    import javax.swing.*;
011    import javax.swing.table.*;
013    /**
014     * A JTable that can display log file contents.
015     *
016     * <p>The contents of the table is read at creation time and does not change, even if the log file contents
017     * change.</p>
018     *
019     * @author Steffen Zschaler
020     * @version 2.0 14/07/1999
021     * @since v2.0
022     */
023    public class JLogTable extends JAbstractTable {
025        /**
026             * ID for serialization.
027             */
028            private static final long serialVersionUID = 3169475734029816010L;
030            /**
031         * A TableCellRenderer that takes a Date and prints it with the standard date and time format for the
032         * default locale.
033         */
034        public static final TableCellRenderer DATE_TIME_CELL_RENDERER = new
035                DefaultTableCellRenderer() {
037            private static final long serialVersionUID = -9145065340733884896L;
039                    private final DateFormat s_dfFormatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
041            {
042                setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
043            }
045            public java.awt.Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
046                    Object value,
047                    boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
048                super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected,
049                        hasFocus, row, column);
051                setText(s_dfFormatter.format((Date)value));
053                return this;
054            }
055        };
057        /**
058         * Create a new JLogTable. LogEntries are ordered by their log dates and displayed using the
059         * {@link DefaultLogEntryTED}.
060         *
061         * @param lfc the LogInputStream that contains the LogEntries to be displayed. May be filtered.
062         */
063        public JLogTable(LogFileContent lfc) {
064            this(lfc, null, new DefaultLogEntryTED());
065        }
067        /**
068         * Create a new JLogTable. LogEntries are ordered by their log dates.
069         *
070         * @param lfc the LogInputStream that contains the LogEntries to be displayed. May be filtered.
071         * @param ted a TableEntryDescriptor defining how LogEntries are to be displayed with respect to rows and
072         * columns in a table.
073         */
074        public JLogTable(LogFileContent lfc, TableEntryDescriptor ted) {
075            this(lfc, null, ted);
076        }
078        /**
079         * Create a new JLogTable. LogEntries are displayed using the {@link DefaultLogEntryTED}.
080         *
081         * @param lfc the LogInputStream that contains the LogEntries to be displayed. May be filtered.
082         * @param cmp a Comparator that defines the order the LogEntries appear in. May be <code>null</code> in
083         * which case LogEntries will be sorted by the {@link LogEntry#getLogDate log date}.
084         */
085        public JLogTable(LogFileContent lfc, Comparator<LogEntry> cmp) {
086            this(lfc, cmp, new DefaultLogEntryTED());
087        }
089        /**
090         * Create a new JLogTable.
091         *
092         * @param lfc the LogInputStream that contains the LogEntries to be displayed. May be filtered.
093         * @param cmp a Comparator that defines the order the LogEntries appear in. May be <code>null</code> in
094         * which case LogEntries will be sorted by the {@link LogEntry#getLogDate log date}.
095         * @param ted a TableEntryDescriptor defining how LogEntries are to be displayed with respect to rows and
096         * columns in a table.
097         */
098        public JLogTable(LogFileContent lfc, Comparator<LogEntry> cmp,
099                TableEntryDescriptor ted) {
100            super(new LogTableModel(lfc, cmp, ted));
101            setDefaultRenderer(Date.class, DATE_TIME_CELL_RENDERER);
102        }
103    }