001    package users;
003    import java.io.Serializable;
005    /**
006     * A factory that can create User objects.
007     *
008     * @see User
009     * @see UserManager#createUser
010     *
011     * @author Steffen Zschaler
012     * @version 2.0 05/05/1999
013     * @since v2.0
014     */
015    public class UserCreator extends Object implements Serializable {
017        /**
018             * ID for serialization.
019             */
020            private static final long serialVersionUID = 7647230541318086663L;
022            /**
023         * Create and return a new <code>User</code> object for the given name.
024         *
025         * <p>The default implementation creates and returns a direct instance of <code>User</code>.</p>
026         *
027         * @param sName the name of the user to be created.
028         *
029         * @return the new User object. Must not be <code>null</code>.
030         *
031         * @override Sometimes Override this method if you want the {@link UserManager} to
032         * {@link UserManager#createUser create} instances of subclasses of {@link User} rather than direct
033         * instances.
034         */
035        public User createUser(String sName) {
036            return new User(sName);
037        }
038    }