Bernhard Rumpe, TU Muenchen
(joint work with Marcus Fontoura and Wolfgang Pree)
Object-oriented frameworks and product line architectures have become popular
in the software industry during the 1990s. A vast number of frameworks has
been developed in industry and academia for various domains, including graphical
user interfaces, graph-based editors, business applications and technical
applications, and the electronic commerce, just to mention a few. When combined
with components, frameworks provide the most promising current technology
supporting large-scale reuse.
This talk describes the motivation and the essential features of a new
member of the UML language family, especially useful to describe object-oriented
frameworks. For this task we show how the UML extension mechanisms, namely
stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints may be used to explicitly represent
framework variation points and their instantiation process.
UML-F provides mechanisms to model design patterns, including the
basic design pattern catalogue from the GoF.
The potential of UML-F is demonstrated in a larger case study.
(Der Vortrag wird in Deutsch gehalten.)
Bernhard Rumpe leitet am Lehrstuhl Broy in München im Bereich
Software & Systems Engineering die Projekte "SysLab" und
"Forsoft Z". Er arbeitet an Verbesserungen zu Notation
und Semantik der UML, sowie Verfeinerungstechniken,
methodische Integration und Anpassung der UML an spezielle
Applikationsbereiche. Er ist Autor mehrerer Bücher, organisiert
Workshops bei ECOOP und OOPSLA und war Program Chair bei der