Faceted Browsers

Selection of Values

This compares some Faceted Browsers and similar applications.

Selection of Values

Clearing single restrictions possible: no yes
Multiple Selection: yes
Value Range Selection: yes no
Facet Structure visualized: yes no
Facet widgets are structurable by other relation.
Special Widgets: yes no
Integrates predefined classifications
Integrates string search for keywords (at least together for all facets)
The facet values are explained

Result Presentation

Empty result sets? no yes
Shows result cardinalities: no yes
Result presentation time: instantly
An automatic ranking of the facets is performed to find suitable Navigator facets.
The facet set is configurable (facets can be added and removed).
Fully domain independent
Browser is specific to the Domain of:
Browser is domain independent, but requires configuration.
Technology and Environment: ,
(This is not described in detail so far.)

Result Set
