SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BasketEntryValue
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data

Uses of BasketEntryValue in data

Fields in data declared as BasketEntryValue
static BasketEntryValue BasketEntryValues.ONLY_STOCK_ITEMS
          A BasketEntryValue returning the value of a DataBasketEntry under the assumption that this describes a StockItem movement.
static BasketEntryValue BasketEntryValues.ONLY_CATALOG_ITEMS
          A BasketEntryValue returning the value of a DataBasketEntry under the assumption that this describes a CatalogItem movement.
static BasketEntryValue BasketEntryValues.COUNT_ITEMS
          A BasketEntryValue that returns 1 for each entry.

Methods in data with parameters of type BasketEntryValue
 Value DataBasket.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in this DataBasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the given subbasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the current subbasket that match the condition.

Uses of BasketEntryValue in data.ooimpl

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type BasketEntryValue
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the DataBasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the current subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.sumSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0