SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Stock
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of Stock in data

Subinterfaces of Stock in data
 interface CountingStock
          A Stock that counts for each CatalogItem in the associated Catalog how many objects of that type are actually available.
 interface ListenableStock
          A Stock that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.
 interface MoneyBag
          Tag interface marking CountingStocks that work together with Currencies.
 interface StoringStock
          Tag interface that identifies StoringStocks.

Fields in data declared as Stock
protected  Stock StockFromStockCreator.m_stSource
          The source Stock.

Methods in data that return Stock
 Stock StockItem.getStock()
          Get the Stock that contains this StockItem.

Methods in data with parameters of type Stock
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allStockItemsWithSource(Stock stSource)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being taken from the given Stock.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allStockItemsWithDest(Stock stDest)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being entered into the given Stock.
 Value StockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          The actual algorithm.
 Value DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          This StockFromValueCreator assumes a potentially infinite source of available items and adds exactly as many items of each type (i.e.
 Value StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Try to fill the given Stock using only items from the source Stock.
 Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Fill the destination Stock using the same algorithm as in StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(data.Stock, data.Value, data.DataBasket), but with backtracking.
protected  Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.doFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking step method.
protected  void StockFromStockCreatorBT.undoFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking back-step method.
 void Stock.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
 boolean Stock.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.

Constructors in data with parameters of type Stock
StockFromStockCreator.StockFromStockCreator(Stock stSource, CatalogItemValue civ)
          Create a new StockFromStockCreator.
StockFromStockCreatorBT.StockFromStockCreatorBT(Stock stSource, CatalogItemValue civ)
          Create a new StockFromStockCreatorBT.

Uses of Stock in data.filters

Classes in data.filters that implement Stock
 class AbstractStockFilter
          Abstract superclass of all Stock filters.
 class CountingStockFilter
          StockFilter for CountingStocks.
 class MoneyBagFilter
          CountingStockFilter that filters MoneyBags.
 class StoringStockFilter
          StockFilter for StoringStocks.

Fields in data.filters declared as Stock
protected  Stock AbstractStockFilter.m_stSource
          The Stock that gets filtered.

Methods in data.filters that return Stock
 Stock AbstractStockFilter.getStock()
          Get the source Stock's Stock.
 Stock AbstractStockFilter.getMainStock()
          Get the source stock.

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type Stock
 void AbstractStockFilter.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the given Stock to the source Stock.
 boolean CountingStockFilter.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the filtered Stock contains the given Stock.
 boolean StoringStockFilter.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is contained in the filtered Stock.

Constructors in data.filters with parameters of type Stock
AbstractStockFilter.AbstractStockFilter(Stock stSource)
          Create a new AbstractStockFilter.

Uses of Stock in data.ooimpl

Classes in data.ooimpl that implement Stock
 class CountingStockImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the CountingStock interface.
 class MoneyBagImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the MoneyBag interface.
 class StockImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the Stock interface.
 class StoringStockImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the StoringStock interface.

Methods in data.ooimpl that return Stock
 Stock StockItemImpl.getStock()
          Get the Stock that contains this StockItem.

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type Stock
 void StockImpl.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
 boolean StockImpl.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.
 void CountingStockImpl.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Overridden for efficiency reasons.
 boolean CountingStockImpl.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Reimplemented for efficiency reasons.

Uses of Stock in data.swing

Fields in data.swing declared as Stock
protected  Stock StoringStockTableModel.m_stModel
          The Stock that is being modelled.

Constructors in data.swing with parameters of type Stock
JStoringStockTable.JStoringStockTable(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JStoringStockTable.
StoringStockTableModel.StoringStockTableModel(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new StoringStockTableModel.

Uses of Stock in sale

Methods in sale that return Stock
 Stock Shop.removeStock(String sName)
          Remove a Stock from the global list of Stocks.
 Stock Shop.getStock(String sName)
          Look up a Stock in the global Stock list.
 Stock Shop.ProcessHandle.getStock(String sName)
 Stock SalesPoint.getStock(String sName)
          Return a Stock for a given name.
 Stock ProcessContext.getStock(String sName)
          Get a Stock by its name.

Methods in sale with parameters of type Stock
 void Shop.addStock(Stock st)
          Add a Stock to the global list of Stocks.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0