SalesPoint Framework v3.0


readEntry() - Method in class log.LogInputStream
Read the next log entry that is accepted by the filter from the stream.
reallocateIndexes() - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
REMOVE_VETO_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: A VetoException occurred while trying to remove items from a container.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove the given item from the Catalog.
remove(Class, EventListener) - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Remove the listener as a listener of the specified type.
remove(MenuSheetObject) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Remove a MenuSheetObject from the MenuSheet.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Remove the given item from the source Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Remove a tagged top level item from the MenuSheet.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Remove the given item from the source Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove the indicated item from the Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.CountingStock
Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Remove at most the specified number of items from the source Stock.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
removeAllButtons() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Remove all buttons from the FormSheet's button bar.
removeButton(int) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Remove a button from the FormSheet's button bar.
removeCapabilityDataListener(CapabilityDataListener) - Method in class users.User
Remove a CapabilityDataListener.
removeCatalog(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a catalog from the global table of Catalogs.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableCatalog
Remove a listener that was informed about changes to the Catalog's contents.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove a listener that received events when the filtered Catalog changed.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove a listener that listened for changes in this Catalog's contents.
removeDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableDataBasket
Remove a listener that was being informed about changes to the DataBasket's contents.
removeDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Remove a listener that received events when the DataBasket's contents changed.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever a CatalogItem was removed from the Catalog.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever a CatalogItem was removed from the Catalog.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a DataBasketEntry was removed from the DataBasket.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class
Called when a DataBasketEntry was removed from the DataBasket.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
removeEditButtons() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Convenience method for removing the "Add" and the "Remove" button.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayFrame's FormSheet.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayDialog's FormSheet.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in interface sale.Display
Unregister a FormSheetListener to be informed when a FormSheet is set or closed.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindowHandle
Un-register the given FormSheetListener.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "name" property.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "name" property.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Stock.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Stop a listener from receiving events whenever a property changes.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Stock.
removeSalesPoint(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a SalesPoint from the Shop.
removeStatusDisplay(Display) - Method in class sale.Shop
Close a status display.
removeStock(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a Stock from the global list of Stocks.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableStock
Remove a listener that was being informed about changes to the Stock's contents.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register a listener that received events when the Stock's contents changed.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Remove a listener that received events when the Stock's contents changed.
removeTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Remove the given TimerListener.
removeTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in interface sale.Timer
Removes a listener for TimerEvents.
removeUserDataListener(UserDataListener) - Method in class users.UserManager
Remove a UserDataListener.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.CatalogItem
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "value" property.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "value" property.
reOrderBy(Comparator) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Reorder the records displayed according to the specified comparator.
resetCurrentSalesPointIsAdjusting() - Method in class sale.Shop
Reset a flag that can be used to optimize setCurrentSalesPoint calls.
restore() - Method in class sale.Shop
Restore the Shop's state from a Stream.
resume() - Method in class sale.Shop
Resume a suspended Shop.
resume() - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Resume the process that is handled by this ProcessHandle.
resume() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Resume the SalesPoint.
resume() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Resume a previously suspended process.
retrievePersistanceInStream() - Method in class sale.Shop
Retrieve the stream from which to read the Shop's state.
retrievePersistanceOutStream() - Method in class sale.Shop
Retrieve the stream to which the Shop's state is to be written.
ReverseOrderComparator - class util.ReverseOrderComparator.
A comparator that reverses the order implied by another comparator.
ReverseOrderComparator(Comparator) - Constructor for class util.ReverseOrderComparator
Creates new ReverseOrderComparator.
ROLLBACK_ACTION - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Action constant for DataBasketImpl.log(int, log.Loggable).
rollback() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Roll back the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
rollback() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the entire contents of the DataBasket.
rollback() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback the contents of all subbaskets of this DataBasket.
rollback() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Rollback the operation.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back all items that match the given condition.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback all items in all subbaskets that do match the given condition.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Rollback all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBEDestination
Called when an add must be rolled back.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Roll back the adding of a CatalogItem.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Rollback the adding of StockItems.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Rollback the adding of a StockItem.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackCurrentSubBasket() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the contents of the current subbasket.
rollbackCurrentSubBasket() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback the current subbasket's contents.
rollbackDestination() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockItemDBEntry
Rollback the destination part of the operation described by this DataBasketEntry.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBESource
Called when a remove must be commited.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Roll back the removal of a CatalogItem.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Rollback the removal of StockItems.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Rollback the removal of a StockItem.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackSubBasket(String) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the contents of the named subbasket.
rollbackSubBasket(String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback all entries in a given subbasket.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
runBackgroundProcess(SaleProcess, User, DataBasket) - Method in class sale.Shop
Run a background process on the Shop.
RUNNING - Static variable in class sale.Shop
Constant marking the Shop's state.
runProcess(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Start a process on this SalesPoint.
runProcess(SaleProcess, Display, User, DataBasket) - Method in class sale.Shop
Run a process on the Shop.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0