SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use MenuSheetObject
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of MenuSheetObject in sale

Subclasses of MenuSheetObject in sale
 class MenuSheet
          A MenuSheet consisting of MenuSheetObjects.
 class MenuSheetItem
          A MenuSheetItem that has a label and an associated action.
 class MenuSheetSeparator
          A separator in a MenuSheet.

Methods in sale that return MenuSheetObject
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheetObject.getTaggedItem(String sTag, boolean fTopLevelOnly)
          Get the first MenuSheetObject with the given tag which is managed by this one.
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheetObject.getTaggedItem(String sTag)
          Convenience method for in-depth search for a tagged item.
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheet.remove(String sTag)
          Remove a tagged top level item from the MenuSheet.
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheet.remove(MenuSheetObject msoRemove)
          Remove a MenuSheetObject from the MenuSheet.
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheet.getTaggedItem(String sTag, boolean fTopLevelOnly)
          Get a MenuSheetObject by its tag.

Methods in sale with parameters of type MenuSheetObject
 void MenuSheet.add(MenuSheetObject mso)
          Add a MenuSheetObject to the end of this MenuSheet.
 MenuSheetObject MenuSheet.remove(MenuSheetObject msoRemove)
          Remove a MenuSheetObject from the MenuSheet.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0