SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FormSheetListener
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package. 
sale.multiwindow Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI. 

Uses of FormSheetListener in sale

Classes in sale that implement FormSheetListener
 class SalesPoint
          A single point of sale in a shop.

Methods in sale with parameters of type FormSheetListener
 void JDisplayFrame.addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Add a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayFrame's FormSheet.
 void JDisplayFrame.removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayFrame's FormSheet.
 void JDisplayDialog.addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Add a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayDialog's FormSheet.
 void JDisplayDialog.removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayDialog's FormSheet.
 void NullDisplay.addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
 void NullDisplay.removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
 void Display.addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Register a FormSheetListener to be informed when a FormSheet is set or closed.
 void Display.removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Unregister a FormSheetListener to be informed when a FormSheet is set or closed.

Uses of FormSheetListener in

Classes in that implement FormSheetListener
 class FormSheetAdapter
          Convenience adapter for the FormSheetListener interface.

Uses of FormSheetListener in sale.multiwindow

Methods in sale.multiwindow with parameters of type FormSheetListener
 void MultiWindowHandle.addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Register a new FormSheetListener.
 void MultiWindowHandle.removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener fsl)
          Un-register the given FormSheetListener.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0