SalesPoint Framework v3.1

Interface StoringStock

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable, DataBasketEntryDestination, DataBasketEntrySource, Nameable, Serializable, Stock, StockItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
StoringStockFilter, StoringStockImpl

public interface StoringStock
extends Stock

Tag interface that identifies StoringStocks.

StoringStocks are Stocks that, in contrast to CountingStocks, actually store a record for each object in the Stock. An example of an application of StoringStock might be a car vendor. For each red Porsche on sale there will be a distinct record in the car vendor's Stock, denoting, e.g., the car's chassis number, etc.

StoringStocks are also needed when building nested Stocks.

Steffen Zschaler

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface data.Nameable
Methods inherited from interface data.Stock
add, addStock, contains, contains, containsStock, countItems, fillStockWithValue, get, getCatalog, iterator, keySet, remove, remove, size, sumStock
Methods inherited from interface data.StockItem
clone, getAssociatedItem, getStock
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface data.Nameable
addNameListener, addPropertyChangeListener, attach, detachNC, getName, removeNameListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName

SalesPoint Framework v3.1