SalesPoint Framework v3.1

Class MoneyBagImpl

  extended bydata.AbstractNameable
      extended bydata.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
          extended bydata.ooimpl.StockImpl
              extended bydata.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
                  extended bydata.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable, CountingStock, DataBasketEntryDestination, DataBasketEntrySource, DataBasketKeys, ListenableStock, MoneyBag, Nameable, NameContext, SelfManagingDBEDestination, SelfManagingDBESource, Serializable, Stock, StockItem

public class MoneyBagImpl
extends CountingStockImpl
implements MoneyBag

Pure Java implementation of the MoneyBag interface.

Steffen Zschaler
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Fields inherited from class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
m_cclEditListener, m_ciCatalog, m_cinlCatalogItemNameListener, m_dbCatalogValidator, m_lhListeners, m_sclEditCreatorListener
Fields inherited from class data.AbstractNameable
m_ncContext, m_pcsPropertyListeners
Fields inherited from interface data.Nameable
Fields inherited from interface data.DataBasketKeys
Constructor Summary
MoneyBagImpl(String sName, AbstractCurrency ac)
          Create a new MoneyBagImpl.
MoneyBagImpl(String sName, CurrencyImpl ci)
          Deprecated. As of version 3.0, replaced by MoneyBagImpl (String sName, AbstractCurrency ac).
Method Summary
 String toString()
          Return a String representation of the MoneyBag.
 void transferMoney(MoneyBag mbDest, DataBasket db, NumberValue nvAmount)
          Tries to transfer money from this DataBasket into another one.
Methods inherited from class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
add, add, addStock, commitAdd, commitRemove, contains, containsStock, countItems, createPeer, get, internalSetCatalog, remove, remove, remove, rollbackAdd, rollbackRemove
Methods inherited from class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
addStockChangeListener, checkNameChange, clone, compareTo, contains, fillShallowClone, fillStockWithValue, fireCanEditStockItems, fireCanRemoveStockItems, fireEditingStockItems, fireStockItemsAddCommit, fireStockItemsAdded, fireStockItemsAddRollback, fireStockItemsEditCommit, fireStockItemsEditRollback, fireStockItemsRemoveCommit, fireStockItemsRemoved, fireStockItemsRemoveRollback, getCatalog, getEditingItemsContainer, getItemsContainer, getItemsLock, getNCMonitor, getRefIntegrEditContainer, getRefIntegrItemsContainer, getShallowClone, getTemporaryAddedItemsContainer, getTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer, iterator, keySet, nameHasChanged, prepareReferentialIntegrity, removeStockChangeListener, setEditingItemsContainer, setItemsContainer, setRefIntegrEditContainer, setRefIntegrItemsContainer, setStock, setTemporaryAddedItemsContainer, setTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer, size, sumStock
Methods inherited from class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
equals, getAssociatedItem, getStock
Methods inherited from class data.AbstractNameable
addNameListener, addPropertyChangeListener, attach, detachNC, getName, removeNameListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface data.CountingStock
add, remove
Methods inherited from interface data.Stock
add, addStock, contains, contains, containsStock, countItems, fillStockWithValue, get, getCatalog, iterator, keySet, remove, remove, size, sumStock
Methods inherited from interface data.StockItem
clone, getAssociatedItem, getStock
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface data.Nameable
addNameListener, addPropertyChangeListener, attach, detachNC, getName, removeNameListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName

Constructor Detail


public MoneyBagImpl(String sName,
                    CurrencyImpl ci)
Deprecated. As of version 3.0, replaced by MoneyBagImpl (String sName, AbstractCurrency ac).

Create a new MoneyBagImpl.

sName - the name of the MoneyBag.
ci - the Currency associated to the MoneyBag.


public MoneyBagImpl(String sName,
                    AbstractCurrency ac)
Create a new MoneyBagImpl.

sName - the name of the MoneyBag.
ac - the Currency associated to the MoneyBag.
Method Detail


public void transferMoney(MoneyBag mbDest,
                          DataBasket db,
                          NumberValue nvAmount)
Tries to transfer money from this DataBasket into another one.

Specified by:
transferMoney in interface MoneyBag
mbDest - the MoneyBag to transfer the money to
db - a transaction DataBasket
nvAmount - the amount of money to transfer


public String toString()
Return a String representation of the MoneyBag.

In addition to the representation created by the super class this will calculate the total amount of this MoneyBag and append this in formatted form to the end of the representation.

toString in class CountingStockImpl

SalesPoint Framework v3.1