SalesPoint Framework v3.1

Package users.swing

Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities.


Interface Summary
UserFilter A Filter function that takes Users and returns a boolean value.

Class Summary
DefaultUserTED A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a UserTableModel.
JUserList A list box that will display all users managed by a UserManager.
JUserList.UserListCellRenderer The list cell renderer to render User objects in list cells.
JUserTable A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a UserManager.
UserComboBoxModel A ComboBoxModel modelling a UserManager.
UserListModel A ListModel modelling the set or a subset of users managed by a UserManager.
UserTableModel A TableModel that models the contents of a UserManager.
UserTableModel.UserComparator This abstract class is a special Comparator, which compares Users.

Package users.swing Description

Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities.

See Also:
UserManager, User, Capability

SalesPoint Framework v3.1